
聖心堂每周都有一台10:30am 的主日彌撒,為了配合來自新幾內亞,港澳,中國及台灣人,星馬的教友需要,每一台彌撒都會以一種主要語言(英,粵,國)舉行;例如每月第一個主日以英語為主,第二,三個主日以粵語為主,第四個主日以國語為主,這樣的安排已行之多年,在團體不斷成長的過程中,我們可以感受到大家對自己熟悉的語言需求,如果能全部都聽到自己的語言(特別是神父的主日講道),對投入禮儀,全心與主相遇,有很大的幫助,這樣所有來自不同地區的這三種語言的兄弟姐妹,都能參與每一主日的禮儀,為此,我們在 2016 4月開始,經過幾位教友的協助,試辦了將彌撒禮儀全程即時翻譯成普通話或廣東話。聖心即時傳譯組因此在試辦了三個月後,正式的成立。我們有熟悉英,粵,國語的兄弟姐妹參與了這一個組,提供了他們專業的服務,我們也有技術及支援的兄弟姐妹參與了這個組,協助運作。我要特別感謝提供技術支援的 Paul Chan 及兄弟們,及努力推廣的 Lucia Loi 姐妹,還有當然是報名參與的翻譯人員 Waidy ChenPaul Xu Paul Chu,謝謝你們,缺少任何一位的無私貢獻,我們到不了現在的這個地步,感謝天主聖神的引導,祂的推動下,就有了「聖心即時傳譯組」。現在組內成員有六位,分別擔任不同工作,我們希望有更多多語能力的兄弟姐妹參與我們的工作,如果你對 英,粵, 國 三種語言,有至少兩種語言熟悉的,歡迎你向組長 Paul Chu 報名(paul.chu@cccbrisbane.org.au)


Sacred Heart Simultaneous Interpreting Team (SIT)

At Sacred Heart Centre, there is a weekly Sunday Mass at 10.30am, to accommodate all the faithful from various countries like Papua New Guinea, Hong Kong, Macau, China, Taiwan, Singapore and Malaysia.  The weekly mass schedule use English in the 1st week, Cantonese in the 2nd and 3rd week and Mandarin in the 4th week. This arrangement has been implemented for several years now. As the Centre continues to grow, we are aware of the need for simultaneous interpretation during liturgy, especially the homily to ensure the full participation of the congregation as one body in Christ, as well as to encourage the members from various countries to participate in the liturgy of each Sunday without barriers. Since April 2016,  a number of community members took an active role as interpreters to interpret the different masses in English, Mandarin and Cantonese during the Mass celebration. After a 3 months trial, a team of simultaneous interpretation services has been officially established. Special thanks to the brothers and sisters including Paul Chan and his technical support team to assist in the interpretation process; Lucia Loi for her promotion effort and Waidy Chen, Paul Xu and Paul Chu for their weekly mass interpretation to make this simultaneous interpretation program a success. We also give thanks to the Holy Spirit for under his guidance, the ’Sacred Heart Simultaneous Interpreting Team’ was formed. At the moment, we have six members with different roles in the group and we hope to have more multilingual background brothers and sisters to participate in our mission. If you are fluent in English, Cantonese or Mandarin, or at least in two of the languages, we welcome you to contact group leader Paul Chu (paul.chu@cccbrisbane.org.au)

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