團體資深成員 Peter Chow 代表 布市華人天主教團 各 陳天泉神父致歡送詞 (中文傳譯:Audrey Lin)


親愛的朋友 以及布里斯班華人天主教團體的各位成員……今天我們聚集在這裡,共同歡送擔任我們神師多年的陳天泉神父,這是一個盛大的午餐聚會。



我們這塊位於 Nemies Rd 的 2.5 英畝土地是陳神父當年和他帶領的委員會們,一起購買的。他們建造了這座宏偉的建築,成為了我們所有活動的主要場所。最近,他們也在 Cannungra 的聖母山莊,建造了一座獻給我們中華聖母的亭子。他們還成立了一個供華人子弟 及 成人學習中文閱讀及寫作的學校,名爲 – 聖心中文學校。陳神父還協助了 聖保祿 修女們在 Boronia Heights 建立了備受贊譽的老年護理中心。這麽多年以來,陳神父的努力發揮了重要的成果。



陳天泉神父退休時,已將這個 華人團體 的火炬交接給我們的新任神師 黎定國神父。這是一個新時代的過渡,我們相信我們的華人天主教團體將繼續在我們天主的陪伴中 蓬勃發展,造福我們所有的成員和朋友。

如今,90 歲的陳神父告訴我,他累了。但我可以想像,如果

修會的會長再一次要求他重新一次,陳神父會毫不猶豫地跟以前一樣,穿上他的皮夾克,騎上他心愛的摩托車。咦不對,這次有可能需要改成一臺有點生鏽的那種,重新出發。不過,在他這個年紀,他應該不會像如今的摩托車手,讓我想想,他會留著鬍鬚,抽著電子烟,肩膀刺滿了紋身, … 這畫面難以想象?

陳神父無論在過去的 38 年里取得了多大的成績,他始終還是保持著低調及謙遜的本性。陳神父,現在當您朝著夕陽的方向,去享受您應得的休閒及休息時,您要知道,您留下的教友朋友們會萬分感激,您的精神及指引,將永遠照亮他們的人生旅程。您,的確已贏得了我們的愛和尊重。


英雄總是在最需要的時候出現,我們感謝天主和聖心傳教士的上級會長,派遣 陳天泉 神父在那個最恰當的時候來到我們中間,一切都證實了他確實是當時的牧民工作最合適的人選。最後,我們要用您經常使用的話來 說……Deo Gratias ,意思就是 – 感謝天主。


Farewell to Fr. Albert Chan at Mass on 3rd March 2024 

as presented by Peter Chow (Original) 

and Audrey Lin (Interpreter).


Dear friends and fellow members of the Chinese Catholic Community of Brisbane, 

What a great gathering we have here today as we come together to bid farewell to Fr Albert who has been our chaplain over the past so many years.

He arrived here some 38 years ago, and starting from scratch with minimal funds at his disposal but armed only with his faith, confidence and trust in the Lord his God, he managed to build an organisation complete with all the necessary facilities as may be required for every occasion. He came here with only a bare outline of what may be desirable and has succeeded in his initial endeavours beyond his expectations.

To his credit, he realized that to achieve more ambitious goals, it will have to be a bigger team effort and so he proceeded to assemble together a group of capable like-minded persons into the committee to develop the strategies to achieve those higher goals.

Together, Fr Albert and his committee bought this 2.5 acres block of land here at Nemies Rd. , Runcorn and built this substantial building to be the main venue for all our activities; a Chapel and grotto at Marian Valley, Cannungra was recently completed for devotion to Our Lady of China; they have established a Chinese School for Children and Adults who want to learn to read and write in the Chinese language. Fr Albert was also instrumental in helping to bring the Sisters of St Paul de Chartres here to build their much acclaimed Aged Care Centre at Boronia Heights.

Besides his work as our chaplain, Fr Albert has also, without fanfare, assisted many migrants, especially those from South East Asia who needed his help settling into the Australian community.

After all that had been accomplished, we are so thankful to note that Fr Albert has not gone to his retirement leaving the Community burdened with a heavy mortgage to pay, but instead is leaving us with a clean Balance Sheet with adequate funds to cover immediate and near future commitments.

The passing of the torch on the retirement of Fr Albert to our new Chaplain in Fr John Lai is merely a transition to a new era and we are confident our Chinese Catholic Community will continue to grow vigorously in the service of our God and for the benefits of all our members and friends. The modus operandi may be different but the goals remain the same.

Now at 90 years of age, Fr Albert told me he is feeling tired, but I would think that, should his superiors ask him to do this all over again, he would readily put on his leather jacket and hop on, but this time not on a motor bike but maybe in a rusty souped up utility and hit the road again. However , at his age, he would hardly look like the modern bikie, but maybe if he would grow a beard with lots of yellow cigarette stains, covered his arms with tattoos and with a cap on his head back to front, he may yet, look the part of a modern day bikie priest.

For all his achievements in our community over the past 38 years, he has remained the humble person that he always was. And now , Fr Albert , as you head towards the setting sun for a well earned rest and retirement, know that you have left behind a congregation forever in your debt and your spiritual guidance will always light their way forward. You have indeed earned their love and respect.

On behalf of our community and all present here today, I wish to extend to you our very best wishes for a satisfying and healthy retirement, and wherever your destiny may now take you, may the wind always be at your back. We now bid you farewell.

At this point, we would also like to put on record our gratitude to the Superiors of The Order of the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart for sending Fr Albert to us as it has surely now been proven that he was indeed the right man for the job at that time. Now, in conclusion and above all else, we dare to use the same words that you so often used, and say …. Deo Gratias … that is …… Thanks be to God.